Video by Valreza Collective (Tekla Vály, Tereza Holubová & Linda Kokkonen)
Music by Akkajee (Meriheini Luoto & Iida Savolainen)
Music produced by Akkajee, Joonas Saikkonen & Selma Savolainen
Music mastered by Alho Audio Mastering

"Lastenkerääjä on vaikea levy. Se haastaa ja härnää, vie huomion yhteen suuntaan vain iskeäkseen toisesta kulmasta sisään. Avain kaikkeen tuntuu jatkuvasti olevan seuraavan kulman takana, seuraavan minuutin sisällä, mutta lopulta kuulija päätyy vain syvemmälle labyrintin sisuksiin. Toisin sanoen: upea, ainutlaatuinen ja juuri täydellisen kummallinen sekoitus elävää kulttuuria."
Mika Roth / Desibeli.net
"The candle-lit whispering of Lastenkerääjä‘s title track invites you into Akkajee’s folk senabilites, fills the space like a spidery Egon Schiele sketch waiting to be coloured in."
Michael Rodham-Heaps / Freq
"The music is a combination of rustic acoustic, acid folk, and industrial ambiance that twist and turn in unusual, whimsical, and interesting ways."
Henry Schneider / Exposé Online
"Meriheini Luoto ja Iida Savolainen ovat säveltäneet lasten mielenmaisemaa leikkaaviin vanhoihin loruihin ja loitsuihin arkaaista ”kansanmusiikkia” – ainakin avomielistä kokijaa kutkuttavia lauluja, jotka jaksavat kiehtoa poikkeuksellisella sointimaailmallaan ja toismaailmallisuudellaan."
Harri Uusitorppa / HS
“Above all else, it’s this bravery – and the sense of conviction that comes with it – that impresses me most. Lastenkerääjä is a heady potion, but if you can swallow it, it works.”
Merlyn Driver / Songlines
"One thing is for certain: this album is definitely not for everyone. It
is brimming with raw emotion and punk attitude when it comes to
folk music – or music at large."
Jani Lehtinen / Tuonela Magazine.
"Imagine a European folk version of Tom Waits at his most ramshackle and you are on the right lines. But this doesn’t do the music justice. In all fairness how can words ever really sum up the feeling you get by hearing a piece of music that totally dominates you?
– –
At its heart, ‘Lastenkerääjä’ is a delightful album absolutely rammed with killers’ riffs and motifs. It’s an album that gets better with each listen, but also more confusing. This is an album to play while sitting on your own looking out of a window into the dead of night. It’s an album that makes you think the shadows are getting closer to you. It’s an album to treasure because ones like this don’t come along very often!"
Nick Roseblade/Vital Weekly
"Unique, exciting and adventurous folk that goes in all directions, and also sides that you absolutely do not expect. But the ladies know how to keep it fascinating and intriguing, from start to finish" (translated by Google)
Holly Moors / moors magazine
"Each track makes the listener marvel at the many facets of the stories and of the music. The wild and wonderful tales of folk tradition have here found a worthy interpreter."
Amanda Kauranne / Finnish Music Quarterly